Zeit für Tee, so nenne ich diese Stoffseite.
Auf der Suche nach einem passenden Hintergrund für Teetassen ist mir mein Stapel Dekostoffe in die Hand gefallen, den ich vor Zeiten im Verein geschenkt bekommen hatte. Die Tassen habe ich aus einem übrig gebliebenen Blog meines Scrap-Mystery-Quilts geschnitten (fast etwas zu groß...).
Ich trinke sehr gerne Tee und habe eine Zeit lang die Labels mit den Sprüchen gesammelt. Ich fand es zu schade, sie nach einmal Lesen gleich wegzuwerfen. Aus leeren Teebeuteln habe ich weitere Tags bemacht. Die Tassen sind oben offen, so kann man die Beutel zum Ziehen lassen in die Tasse schieben (oder auch einfach um sie zu verstauen).
Time for tea, that's what I call this fabric page. While looking for a suitable background for teacups, I came across my stack of decorative fabrics that I had been given as a gift at the club. I cut the cups from a leftover blog of my scrap mystery quilt (almost a little too big ...). I really enjoy drinking tea and collected the labels with the sayings for a while. I thought it was a shame to throw them away after reading them only once. I made more tags from empty tea bags. The cups are open at the top, so you can slide the bags into the cup to stow them away.
Vielen Dank für die Kommentare zu meiner letzten ArtJournal Seite. Diese Seite habe ich für ArtJournalJourney zum Thema "Taschen und Labels".
Thank you for your comments for my last posts. I am a little bad in replying but love all comments. I made this page for ArtJournalJourneys topic "Pockets and Tags".
I am excited about your sewn journal work, a true art with this wonderful idea! Beautiful!!!
AntwortenLöschenGreetings Elke
Wow! I absolutely adore your fabric teacups and teabag tags Trillian, so beautiful and inspiring! It's a wonderful entry for my theme at AJJ.
AntwortenLöschenAlison xx
Wie viele Ideen du in nur einem Projekt verwirklicht hast, ist schon bemerkenswert. Sehr nette Idee.
AntwortenLöschenLG eSTe
Oh I love this stitched piece. This is really amazing. And those teacups are so cool and make the best pockets. Thanks so much for linking up to Art Journal Journey and sharing this piece. Hugs-Erika
AntwortenLöschenThis is so fun! Love your pieced and stitched cups and those cute tea bags! 💗
AntwortenLöschenA fabulous fabric page, the cups look awesome and make great pockets. Thank you for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey.
Wow! I have not seen anyone create a page entirely sewn like this - it is fabulous! What a wonderful idea and how beautifully it is made. I would have to have this on my wall if it was mine, I do hope you display it somewhere in your home.
Hugs, Neet xx
I hope I'm not too late for you to see this comment. I'm trying to play catch up after my internet was offline for nine days. I'm simply thrilled you created a fabric page for Art Journal Journey. We don't get enough fabric pages there, and yours is a shining example of what one should look like. I love how the cups were each created of fabric as well as the tea tags. This is a real joy and I absolutely LOVE it. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey. BTW, I'm sorry I missed your previous entry of the lady in the blue coat and hat, although I did see it. I loved how the tags were made from Bingo cards, too. I hope to be here sooner next time, especially if my internet stays on for a change!!
AntwortenLöschenDas ist eine witzige Idee. Toll gemacht.
AntwortenLöschenViele Grüße